Fix You - Coldplay
When you try your best but you don't succeed 当你试尽全力 却还是得吞下败绩 When you get what you want but not what you need 当心想事成时 却发现这不是你想要的 When you feel so tired but you can't sleep 当感觉身心疲惫 却怎么也无法入睡 St…- 3
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The Scientist - Coldplay
Come up to meet you 为了见你而来 Tell you I'm sorry 欠你一句道歉 You don't know how lovely you are 你不知道 你是多么的迷人 I had to find you 我必须找到你 Tell you I need you 告诉你 我有多需要你 Tell you I set you apart 告诉你 我多希望把…- 2
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Crests of Waves - Coldplay
It could be worse 它可能会更糟糕 I could be alone 我能感到孤独 I could be locked in here on my own 我可以锁住在我的身上 Like a stone that certainly drops 像石头一样,是确定无疑的点点滴滴 And it never stops 从未停止 I could be lost 我可能会失去 Or i …- 1
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Clocks - Coldplay
Lights go out and I can't be saved 天黑了,但是我还在挣扎 Tides that I tried to swim against 我在海浪里翻腾,绝望就快吞噬我 Put me down upon my knees 这一次,我真的失败了 Oh I beg' I beg and plead 哦,我求你,求求你 Singing come out of…- 1
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God Put a Smile Upon Your Face - Coldplay
Where do we go nobody knows I've got to say I'm on my way down God give me style and give me grace God put a smile upon my face Where do we go to draw the line I've got to say I wasted …- 1
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Yellow - Coldplay
Look at the stars 抬头仰望满天繁星 Look how they shine for you 看它们为你绽放着 闪烁不息 And everything you do 而你的一颦一举 Yeah they were all yellow I came along 却满含胆怯和羞意 我追随着你的气息 I wrote a song for you 为你写下一首歌曲 And all the …- 1
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Til Kingdom Come - Coldplay
One two Steal my heart and hold my tongue 偷走我的心,让我沉吟不语 I feel my time my time has come 我感觉到 我的时机已到 Let me in unlock the door 让我进去,把门打开 I never felt this way before 我从没有过这种感觉 And the wheels just keep o…- 1
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Swallowed in the Sea - Coldplay
You cut me down a tree 你为我砍倒一棵树 And brought it back to me 然后带给我 And that's what made me see 这让我明白了 Where I was going wrong 我哪里做错了 You put me on a shelf 你把我放在架子上 And kept me for yourself 变成你自己的收藏品…- 1
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White Shadows - Coldplay
When I was a young boy 当我还是个小男生 I tried to listen 我试着聆听 And I wanna feel like that 并想去感受 Little white shadows 那小小的白色影子 Blink and glisten 一闪一闪,反着光亮 Part of a system I am 我就是那其中的一部分 Music If you ever fe…- 1
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Fix You - Coldplay
When you try your best but you don't succeed 当你试尽全力 却还是得吞下败绩 When you get what you want but not what you need 当心想事成时 却发现这不是你想要的 When you feel so tired but you can't sleep 当感觉身心疲惫 却怎么也无法入睡 St…- 3
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In My Place - Coldplay
In my place in my place Were lines that I couldn't change I was lost oh yeah I was lost I was lost Crossed lines I shouldn't have crossed I was lost oh yeah Yeah how long must you wait for i…- 3
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Violet Hill - Coldplay
Was a long and dark December 那是一个漫长的黑色腊月 From the rooftops I remember 这些房顶让我起了回忆 There was snow 那时有雪 White snow 皑皑白雪 Clearly I remember 我记得很清 From the windows they were watching 他们就在窗户里干看着 While we fr…- 1
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Always In My Head - Coldplay
I think of you I haven't slept I think I do but I don't forget My body moves Goes where I will But though I try my heart stays still It never moves just won't be led So my mouth waters …- 3
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Adventure of a Lifetime - Coldplay
Turn your magic on to me she'd say 她说 对我施点魔法吧 Everything you want's a dream away 你所有渴望不过是美梦一场 We are legends every day 每一天我们都会是不朽传奇 That's what she told him 这就是她对我说的话 I feel my heart be…- 1
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All I Can Think About Is You - Coldplay
One two three 一二三 Fish fell out of water 鱼游水底 Birds stuck on the ground 鹰击长空 Chaos giving orders 混沌归于安定 Everything is upside down 世界天翻地覆 Whole world on a flight path 世事匆匆难料 Wonder where they'll g…- 2
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Fix You - Vicetone
I could be the remedy For your soul for your soul Call me your physician I'll make you home make you home So let me fix you when you're low Let me hold you when you're cold Let me treat…- 3
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