野花 - 无面小生/不为悦人
在一片富饶的山谷 中生长着一朵野花 有一棵茂盛的大树挡住了阳光没能洒向它 可是它生来就不同黑色的花蕊白色的花瓣 在夹缝里生存红色的根茎也从来未溃烂 阴缺的月影将它围绕 没有人注意或对过它笑 它只是一朵生长在烂泥的野花没人会在意它当然知道 它不够芬芳也没有药效 没有人关心也没有依靠 清晨的露水黄昏的阳光 就算只一丝的温暖它也想尽全力去拥抱 周围在嘲笑 它身材瘦小 格格不入 风一吹就倒 不如就这样 只… -
Wild Flower - 林忆莲
She's faced the hardest times you cound imagine 她过着你难以想象的艰难生活 And many times her eyes fought back the tears 无数次强忍泪水 And when her youthful world was about to fall in 当她刚刚建立的世界即将倒塌 Each time her sl…- 2
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Wild Flower - 张镐哲
She's faced the hardest times 她经历了最艰难的时刻 You could imagine 你可以想象 And many times her eyes 很多时候她的眼神 Fought back the tears 强忍住泪水 And when her youthful world 当她青春洋溢的世界 i was about to fall in 我快要倒下 n …- 3
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Wild Flower - 王杰
She's faced the hardest times you could imagine And many times her eyes fought back me tears And when her youthful world was about to fall in Each time her slender shoulder Bore the weight of all…- 1
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