想带你去迪士尼 - KnowKnow
想带着你去迪士尼耍痛快 在国内或者国外 你看上的项链我全都给你买 亲手给你脖子戴 你哭着对我说你想去迪士尼 想看看唐老鸭米妮米奇 那择日不如撞日 baby let's ride 我不忍心你呆在小区里 除了整活就是刷抖音 希望你没有我 也能过得开心 你说你的梦想是去迪士尼 压力大你想散个心 雨下得大啥都看不清 这场比赛根本打不赢 于是我们说走就走 太阳落山了以后 棒球帽下是你的头 没洗也特…- 0
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Ice Attack - Future
Can't put too much on might catch a ice attack Fortieth anniversary flooded VVS Trappin' it out the foreign I might crash and wreck I'm buyin' out the department goin' to gala…- 1
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Into The Unknown - J.Fla
Ah ah oh oh Ah ah oh oh I can hear you but I won't 我能听到你的声音但我不会 Some look for trouble 有人自寻烦恼 While others don't 而其他人没有 There's a thousand reasons 有一千个理由 I should go about my day 我应该好好过一…- 3
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When You Wish Upon a Star - 黄凯芹
When you wish upon a star Makes no difference who you are Anything your heart desires Will come to you If your heart is in your dream No request is too extreme When you wish upon a star As dreamers wo…- 1
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Beauty And The Beast - Nightwish
Beauty and the Beast Nightwish Remember the first dance we shared 还记得我们第一次跳的舞吗 Recall the night you melted my ugliness away 回忆起你将我的丑陋融化掉的那晚吗 The night you left with a kiss so kind 那晚你留下温柔一吻 Only a sce… -
Part of Your World - Carly Rae Jepsen
Maybe he's right 也许他是对的 Maybe there is something the matter with me 也许我是有什么问题 I just 我只是 I don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad 不觉得创造出那么多美好事物的世界会是恐怖的 Look at t…