Moonlight - 张真源
飘浮的思绪 隐匿在心底 星光染不回色彩 神秘的夜空 云雾在穿梭 对月光还会依赖 记忆会不会被锁进时间 模糊得只剩下光点 别让风吹落分别那一页 带走你所有画面oh Moonlight Kiss me goodbye 瞳孔交汇的瞬间 指尖温度在蔓延oh Moonlight Kiss one more time 月光见证的誓言 藏进心跳最深处的起点 掉落进深蓝色的世界 失重坠落之前 你的出现oh 闪耀了…- 0
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The Way You Make Me Feel - 薛凯琪 / 周笔畅
周笔畅: 难以再次控制我心理上需要 要吻你才能停住这个征兆 为何大脑似欠缺氧气 我自觉疯了 It's just the way you make me feel 薛凯琪: 爱上你看到你第一秒 只觉碰见你缘份太过跷妙 谁人料到你也爱上我 暗地我尖叫 It's just the way you make me feel 周笔畅: 每次你跌痛了使我心窝痛了 而爱是对我爱人信心不减少 …- 0
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man at the garden - Kendrick Lamar
Twice emotional stability Of sound body and tranquility I deserve it all Like minds and less enemies Stock investments more entities I deserve it all VVSs white diamonds GNX with the seat back reclini… -
Season in the sun - 尚雯婕
Goodbye to you my trusted friend 再见了 我的挚友 We've known each other since we were nine or ten 我们从孩提时就已相识相知 Together we've climbed hills and trees 我们一起爬山上树 学习爱与ABC Skinned our hearts and skinned…- 2
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TOXIC - ReoNa (レオナ)
堕ち た 堕ち た どんな 心 も 腐っ て 堕ち た もう 戻れ ない ほど 傷つい た 鳥 が 飛ん だ 遥か 高み へ 登っ てっ た 僕 ら と は 違う 生き様 だ 橙色 の 羽 を 広げる また 誰 か を 傷付け て しまう この 翼 で Die 堕 die 堕 die 大キライ キライ キライ くだら ない 撃ち合う の は game だけ に し て Die 堕 die 堕 di… -
Nights Are Lonely - Rain Dogs
Nights are lonely, so lonely Nights are lonely, so lonely In the night, so lonely In the night, so lonely. Lock me up in your room, throw away the key, these nights are too lonely for me. Hey. Nights … -
夏日魔力红 - I'll call you.
2012ed Heavy rain fell from morning to afternoon that day 大雨下了一整天 I can't guess what's that strange look on your face 我读不懂你到底在想什么 Thank God you were sitting next to me on this plane 不过还好我们的座… -
Moonlit Floor - LISA (리사)
I'mma need to hear you say it out loud Cuz I love it when my name slips out your mouth Love it when your eyes caress my body Right before you lay your kisses on me Green eyed French Boy got me tr… -
Natural - 白举纲
Will you hold the line When every one of them has given up and given in Tell me In this house of mine Nothing ever comes without a consequence or cost tell me Will the stars align Will Heaven step in …- 0
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No Matter How - SAMWISE/07Kevin/Zy
HOOK No matter how many words 在此刻都显得没有必要 每一寸肌肤温度熟悉又在日出后毁掉 No matter how much I miss 到最后只徒增我的困扰 你看着我 选择沉默 I'd rather Ididn't feel love VERSE 太阳还高挂在天空 洒下的阳光无处不在 过去的就别再迁就 No matter I choose do … -
I\'m Not The Only One - Sam Smith/太妍 (태연)
맹세했던 너와 나 영원할 것처럼 믿을 수 없는 이 순간 난 아픈 상처뿐인 걸 잠들지 못한 많은 밤 멈출 수 없는 tears 끝내 버리고 싶지만 아직도 남겨둔 네 자리 You say I'm crazy 'Cause you don't think I know what you've done But when you call me b… -
Rolling In The Deep - Vázquez Sounds
Theres a fire starting in my heart Reaching a fever pitch And its bringing me out the dark Finally I can see you crystal clear Go ahead and sell me out And Ill lay your sheet bare See how Ill leave wi… -
That\'s Why You Go Away - Michael Learns To Rock/周传雄
偶尔会想起那天 你笑得眼角多璀璨 I don't wanna say goodbye to you 再见日落西沉大海 拉长纠缠的身影 那走不出的美好画面 枫叶旋转过三圈 停落在我们之间 是我迟来的后悔 难言 茫茫人海茫茫无边 你如今在谁窗前 阳光倾洒还似当年 I won't forget 你的泪你的脸 你的轻吻 落在无名指间 But I'm not the man Y… -
Bye Bye Bye - *NSYNC
Hey hey Bye bye bye Bye bye Bye bye Oh oh. I'm doin' this tonight You're probably gonna start a fight. I know this can't be right. Hey baby come on. I loved you endlessly When you …- 0
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Get Back - 小青龙
当听到Kick drum 晃动着身体他僵硬的笑 看着我并问我什么状况 不在乎旁人眼光的举动他觉得疯狂 企图让我掩盖一些锋芒 将他们打扰到也许是我的不低调 在每个间隙Freestyle 那时还没能被需要 于是他选择没礼貌的问我 为何会如此自信 听到我的回答是“why not” 我对我自己感觉到的事物很是相信 这是我力量来源从弱小到本事强劲 朝我想要的前进 而那些弱或者厉害的阻碍被我顺带着 顶回原地 …- 3
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Starman - David Bowie
Hey my love Goodbye love Didn't know what time it was the lights were low I leaned back on my radio Some cat was laying down some rock n roll lotta soul he said Then the loud sound did seem to fa… -
Love On The Brain - Faouzia
And you got me like oh 你喜欢看我陷入崩溃 What you want from me 你想要得到些什么 I tried to buy your pretty heart 我努力博得你那颗迷人的心 But the price too high 但代价太高 Baby you got me like oh 宝贝 你让我无法自拔 You love when I fall apart…- 1
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Help Somebody - Maxwell
theres a moving inner peace that i love to see GOT brace my soul to tell ya how i feel gotta listen to the tears the people cry for me in a world thats so wild fear creeps cause when i get up to hear …- 2
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Die nacht öffnet ihren schoß Das kind heißt einsamkeit Es ist kalt und regungslos Ich weine leise in die zeit Ich weiß nicht wie du heißt Doch ich weiß dass es dich gibt Ich weiß dass irgendwann Irgen… -
Hero - icyball 冰球乐团
前面那是什么? I never know 他会不会着火? I never know Oh can it fly? I never know 爱是什么念头? I never know 什么时候动手? I never know How high am I? I never know How high am I? I never know [口白] Ha ha, he’s not only a guit… -
Waking of a World - 鸣潮先约电台/Terry Zhong 钟天利/炎明熹
尝试颠覆偏转 一些 牵引命运的弧线 流光中漂泊的 和弦 与心声重连接 听见微渺振频 如萤灯 不屈不绝 穿透寂静黑夜 燎荒原 不休不歇 激荡于天地并非音量的极限 让我们的共鸣汇聚到质变 就是现在 旧边界 新旷野 循环破开 宣告无解被终结 挣脱樊笼安排 自沉默旧规之外 我将与新浪潮同来 胆怯 退却 迷失 搁浅 都跨越 凭群星俯瞰 我逆流 重塑奇点 You and I 听见微渺振频 如萤灯 不屈不绝 穿…- 0
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I Will Touch the Sky - 塞壬唱片-MSR/Edine
Keep holding on 不断求索 It’s human nature to keep holding on 不断求索是你我本性 To never let go 永不放手 It’s human instinct to never let go 永不放手是你我本能 And if you can touch the sky 而若你能触及天空 You’ll see there’s a patter… -
Desert Rose - Faouzia
Hadaee mada tawila Wa ana nahos ana wahala ghzalti Wa ana nahos ana wahala ghzalti Wa ana nahos ana wahala ghzalti I dream of rain I dream of gardens in the desert sand I wake in vain I dream of love …- 3
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Sparks Fly - Taylor Swift
The way you move is like a full on rainstorm And I'm a house of cards You're the kind of reckless That should send me running But I kinda know that I won't get far And you stood there i…