Knock Knock (Who's There?) - Red Velvet (레드벨벳)
닫혀진 문 바람 소리 또 나부낀 Curtain 너머 눈빛 아찔한 꿈 Get the clue 뒤덮인 Bed Feel like a trap 새벽안개 Deep inside 다시 열린 Our playground 창문 너머 낮과 밤이 바뀔 때 깊어지는 외로움은 Walking dead 자꾸 더 궁금해 I wanna play 짙은 어둠이 내려 네게 이끌어 시선마다 거울… -
Clap your hands - KOKIA
近く なっ て ゆく この 世界 は 一 つ 一瞬 の ボタン の 中 で one touch 送信 ボタン で どこ へ で も 好き に Access 地球 の 裏側 から の response まわる まわる 僕 ら の 星 は 更なる 進化 を 遂げ て 頭 の 中 駆け巡る imageination 広がっ て ゆけ 歴史 を 変え た ひらめき も 運命 を 変え た できごと も 生…- 0
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Little Star - 尚雯婕
Twinkle twinkle little star 闪闪发亮的小星星啊 How I wonder who you are 我多想揭开你的神秘面纱 Lights the night sky in the dark 你照亮这漆黑的夜 With your bright and tiny spark 闪亮而又微弱 Twinkle twinkle little star 闪闪发亮的小星星啊 Though…- 1
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伦敦大桥垮下来 - S.H.E
终于到了你住在的国度 照片中的风景变成实物 昨天我多么羡慕 今天踏出这一步 感觉竟然像结束 你说的故事都历历在目 只有爱情越来越不清楚 以为自己不在乎 看见别人好幸福 爱你爱得太唐突 那体贴那专注 全都只是为了向我借宿 在异国的天空 吓哭了起来 吓坏陌生的老外 伦敦大桥垮下来 我也不离开 你的誓言说的太快 像个旅客不断找路牌 伦敦大桥早看开 陪我在等待 爱情中最大的障碍 不是语言而是爱 伦敦大桥 …- 2
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100 Bottles - Wiz Khalifa
It's holiday season b**ch 这是节日的季节 坏女人 Whatup Jerm It's Cabin Fever 怎么了Jerm 他犯了幽居病 Hundred bottles we poppin' 我们打开了100瓶 Probably won't even finish it 也许我们喝不完 Ya'll niggas just … -
The Muffin Man - Twins
Have you seen the muffin man 你见过松饼人吗 The muffin man the muffin man 松饼人 Have you seen the muffin man 你见过松饼人吗 Who lives in drury lane 那个住在特鲁里巷的松饼人 Yes we've seen the muffin man 是的 我们见过松饼人 The muffi…- 2
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Little Bird - Twins
Little bird can you sing me a little song A little song of love Little bird can you teach me how to fly How to fly to the sky Oh once I have a little dream Wishing there I could fly So little bird can…- 1
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Row Row Row Your Boat - Twins
Row Row Row your boat Gently down the stream 划呀划,划呀划,划呀划,划着你的船 Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily 轻轻地划入小溪 Life is but a dream 好开心,好开心,好开心,好开心 Row Row Row your boat 生活仅仅是一个美梦 Gently down the stream 划呀划,划呀…- 2
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Ten Green Bottles - Twins
Ten green bottles 十个绿瓶子 Hanging on the wall 挂在墙上 Ten green bottles 十个绿瓶子 Hanging on the wall 挂在墙上 And if one green bottle 要是其中一个绿瓶子 Should accidentally fall 突然掉了下来 There'll be nine green bottles …- 2
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Three Little Kittens - Twins
The Three little kittens 三个小家伙 They lost their mittens and they began to cry 他们丢了手套 开始哭泣 Oh mother dear she hears she hears 天啊 妈妈听到了 What Lost your mittens you naughty kittens 什么 你竟然丢了你的手套 你个淘气的小家伙 Th…- 1
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Three Blind Mice - Twins
Three Blind Mice Three blind mice 三只瞎老鼠 See how they run see how they run 看它们是怎么跑的 They all ran after the farmer's wife 它们都跟在农夫的妻子后面跑 She cut off their tails with a carving knife 她用一把餐刀割断了它们的尾巴 D…- 3
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