before the doom 世界落日 2012 - 尚雯婕
Suddenly I realized the sun has gone away 突然间我意识到太阳已经下山 I've been sitting here all day 我已在这枯坐一日 Now everything left inside me is hate 现在我心中只剩下怨恨 Cause all I do is take and take 因为我只知道获取获取 See I…- 2
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Before The Doom 世界落日 - 尚雯婕
Suddenly I realized the sun has gone away 突然间 我意识到太阳已消失 I've been sitting here all day 在这里我已经枯坐一日 Now everything left inside me is hate 心中只剩下厌恶 Cause all I do is take and take 因为我只知索取 See I'…- 1
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Apocalyptic - 3LAU
I cannot believe it 我不敢相信 What in the world is happening 到底发生了什么 You have got to be kidding 你在开玩笑吧 Do you think I'm crazy 你觉得我是不是疯了 Oh s**t Apocalyptic 启示录的 This is crazy 真是疯狂 On s**t 真的 This is …- 0
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末日乌托邦氛围音色库 Triple Spiral Audio Withered v1.01
Kontakt 音源 附带高清视频安装教程 ........................... 音源名称:Triple Spiral Audio Withered v1.01 音源大小:1GB 音源类型:末日乌托邦氛围音色库 加载方式:Kontakt v6.8.1+ -------- 附带(Win Mac)详细视频安装教程 支持系统:Win:7/10/11以上 ------- Mac:10.1…- 41
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