The Power Of Love - Celine Dion
The whispers in the morning 清晨的呢喃中 Of lovers sleeping tight 情侣们正在熟睡 Are rolling like thunder now 那轻语如雷般回荡 As I look in your eyes 当我看着你的眼睛 I hold on to your body 紧紧拥抱着你的身体 And feel each move you make 感… -
A New Day Has Come - Celine Dion
A new day has come A new day has come I was waiting for so long For a miracle to come Everyone told me to be strong Hold on and don't shed a tear Through the darkness and good times I knew I'… -
Because You Loved Me - Celine Dion
For all those times you stood by me 为了无数次你的支持 For all the truth that you made me see 为了所有你让我明白的真理 For all the joy you brought to my life 为了你带给我的无穷欢乐 For all the wrong that you made right 为了你更正的所有错误 Fo… -
That’s the Way It Is - Celine Dion
I can read your mind and I know your story 我能读你的心,我知道你的故事 I see what you're going through 我看到你将要克服的困难 It's an uphill climb and I'm feeling sorry 那会是一段艰困的上坡路,我为你感到难过 But I know it will c… -
Taking Chances - Celine Dion
Don't know much about your life 你的生活 我感觉陌生 Don't know much about your world but 你的世界 我不熟悉 Don't want to be alone tonight 但今夜在这浩瀚地球 On this planet they call earth 我不想孤单一人 You don't … -
S’il suffisait d’aimer - Celine Dion
Je rêve son visage je décline son corps 梦里思念他的面容,梦外躲避他的身影 Et puis je l'imagine habitant mon décor 却又幻想他能长留在我的世界 J'aurais tant à lui dire si j'avais su parler 若我懂得如何启齿,早已向他诉说我的心意 Comment… -
If You Asked Me To - Celine Dion
Used to be that I believed in something 我曾坚信一些事 Used to be that I believed in love 我曾相信爱情 It's been a long time since I've had that feeling 如今已很久没有这种感觉了 I could love someone 可以爱恋一个人 I could … -
Falling Into You - Celine Dion
And in your eyes 在你的双眸里 I see ribbons of color 我看到了丝带的颜色 I see us inside of each other 我看到了彼此 I feel my unconscious merge with yours 不知不觉 And I hear a voice say 我听到一个声音 "What's his is hers&q… -
To Love You More - CoCo李玟
Take me back into the arms I love 带我回归爱人的怀抱 Need me like you did before 像你从前那样需要我 Touch me once again 再一次碰触我 And remember when 想起曾经的记忆 There was no one that you wanted more 没有人比你渴望的更多 Don't go yo…- 1
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