SAN - HangTheBOY周羿辰

In the night
I see
Falling stars
Drops apart
In the night
I bleed
Through the stars
To her heart
In the night
I see
Falling stars
Drops apart
In the night
I bleed
Through the stars
To her heart
In the night
I see my heart shining bright
I see wrong things be making right
I see sinners be praying tight
I see dead roots be flying high
Is it right to break down the concrete
Is it right to release all the zombies
It's right to let all my songs free
Or is it is it is it
When the sun
When the rain
When the moon
When the air
When the sun
When the rain
When the moon
When the air
Maybe one day I'll be the richest ass
From the day to the night till the sun wents to set
But maybe one day I'll be the poorest guy
From the Bottom to the top
ant got nothing to dress
So set my songs free
Set my mind free
Or maybe
Find a place just shoot me to the space ship
Cause I am the biggest threat
They are afraid to see another Kanye west
WE Live
WE Die
WE Fly
WE Ride
WE Hide
WE Left
WE Cry
WE Lie
It's something in
Something's in my head
It's calling me
I can't tell where it is
It's right thought
Cause I'm on my way
In my night glow
No one gonna stay
It's right thought
Cause I'm on my way
In my night glow
No one gonna stay
It's something in
Something's in my head
It's calling me
I can't tell where it is
It's right thought
Cause I'm on my way
In my night glow
No one gonna stay
It's right thought
Cause I'm on my way
In my night glow
No one gonna stay
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她不想 - 安息日/keepsake

2025-3-4 23:50:17


梦时 - JuggShots

2025-3-4 23:50:28

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