This Too Shall pass - Mark Lowry

Woke up this morning with the years I've spent
Hanging heavy on my mind
At times I see
So much in me
I wish I'd left behind
But the one thing I've learned
As the years have turned
And they sure have traveled fast
I don't have to stay where I am today because
This too shall past
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
And the tears that fall like raindrops now
Will finally dry at last
This too shall past
Sometimes I'm laughing with a crowd of friends
And still I feel alone
There's a place inside
Full of tears I hide
That I've only cried alone
But I know that He's near
And I know He hears
And I know these tears won't last
This pain today
Will be swept away because
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
And the tears that fall like raindrops now
Will finally dry at last
This too shall past
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
And the tears that fall like raindrops now
Will finally dry at last
This too shall past
This too shall pass
And the tears that fall like raindrops now
Will finally dry at last
This too shall past
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
This too shall pass
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飞往你的城 - XMASwu(吴骜)

2025-3-4 9:32:58



2025-3-4 9:33:05
