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音源名称:IK Multimedia Syntronik 2
插件版本:Win:下载地址(点我) --------- Mac:v2.0.3
支持格式:Win: ------------------ Mac:AU/VST/VST3
支持系统:Win: ---------- Mac:10.12以上(支持新系统 Intel和ARM)
支持宿主:Logic ---- Cubase ---- FL Studio ---- Ableton Live ---- Studio One
加载方式:附带(Win Mac)详细视频安装教程
Syntronik 2 为现代虚拟合成器树立了新标准。IK 先进的采样技术与混合采样和建模合成引擎相结合,为一系列稀有和受欢迎的合成器提供了强大的动力,具有惊人的声音准确性和最深入的编辑。这是对先前版本的一次大规模更新,添加了 11 个新合成器、令人兴奋的新的、高级的和急需的功能,以及利用所有这些新功能的 22 个原始合成器的大量全新预设。
What’s New in Syntronik 2.0.3
– Fixed a bug where Multis using a Syntronik 1 preset were not loaded correctly
– Improved GUI clarity on Windows systems using lower resolution displays
– Fixed a bug where the pitch bend range was displayed incorrectly on the Edit panel
– Fixed a bug on the SH-V panel where the Osc 2 controls were reversed
– Fixed a bug on the VCF3 panel where the BPM Sync and Osc 2 controls were reversed
– Fixed a bug in the 99 Synth where Syntronik 1 presets were missing the 12dB filter slope
– Fixed a bug on the Modulum panel where controllers were recalled incorrectly
– Fixed a bug where time DAW signature changes could cause an audio glitch
– Fixed a bug where Syntronik 1 preset Porta and Glide knobs recalled incorrectly
– Fixed a bug in where Syntronik 1 presets incorrectly displayed the filter slopes for the C and R Type filters
– General reliability improvements