Palladium - Greyson Chance

Wake me up at midnight you charge me like a payphone Every time we talk
午夜时分 将我唤醒 每当我们谈天说地时 你像公用电话一样让我付出代价
Right before the fall
在秋天来临之前 一切安好
You hop inside my car with a tear
你泪流满面 坐进我的车里
Say there's nothing like the fear of losing truth
I just wanna try to protect you like your skin protects your blood
我只想好好保护你 就像你的肌肤保护着你的血脉一样
I just wanna keep you safe the way the forest keeps her young
我只想保证你的安全 就像森林永远绿意葱茏一样
And if I ever let you go then my whole kingdom's done
如果我放开你的手 我的整个王国将会覆灭
I hold to your heart like it's Palladium
我忠于你的真心 仿佛这是守护神一样
I hold to your heart like it's Palladium
我忠于你的真心 仿佛这是守护神一样
Evergreen and asphalt dancing on the billboards First ones on the scene
常青绿树和柏油路 在广告牌上不停摇晃 率先出现在眼前
And when I call you baby you smoke up like a chimney
当我呼唤你时 你吞云吐雾 嗜烟如命
You're too afraid I'll leave
Careful with the moon in your eyes
Say there's nothing like the fear of losing time
呢喃着 这世上没有什么比失去时机更令人恐惧了
I just wanna try to protect you like your skin protects your blood
我只想好好保护你 就像你的肌肤保护着你的血脉一样
I just wanna keep you safe the way the forest keeps her young
我只想保证你的安全 就像森林永远绿意葱茏一样
And if I ever let you go then my whole kingdom's done
如果我放开你的手 我的整个王国将会覆灭
I hold to your heart like it's Palladium
我忠于你的真心 仿佛这是守护神一样
I hold to your heart like it's Palladium
我忠于你的真心 仿佛这是守护神一样
Tell me what you need baby love
亲爱的 请告诉我你需要什么
Tell me what you need baby love
亲爱的 请告诉我你需要什么
Let me come on over with a touch
I'll make the sky our arena
I'll be Orion your Athena
我会成为俄里翁 你的雅典娜
Tell me what you want baby love Let it pour out with a touch
亲爱的 请告诉我你想要什么 温柔的爱抚让我们诉说心声
I'm only good when I protect you
只有在我保护你的时候 我才感觉惬意自在
You try to fall but I won't let you
你试图就此沉沦 我不会让你坠落
I just wanna try to protect you like your skin protects your blood
我只想好好保护你 就像你的肌肤保护着你的血脉一样
I just wanna keep you safe the way the forest keeps her young
我只想保证你的安全 就像森林永远绿意葱茏一样
And if I ever let you go then my whole kingdom's done
如果我放开你的手 我的整个王国将会覆灭
I hold to your heart like it's Palladium
我忠于你的真心 仿佛这是守护神一样
I hold to your heart like it's Palladium
我忠于你的真心 仿佛这是守护神一样
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