Jesus Loves You - Jewel

They say that Jesus loves you
What about me
And they say that money breaks you
Well' I still wanna see
Till you give extra whitening a try
Well I wanna see' I wanna see
What can you do for me
I wanna be ok too
And having my picture in a magazine makes me special
How special are you
They say if i donate'
Even I Can buy a space in heaven before i die
Well I wanna see' I wanna see
What can you do for me
I want someone else to pack my lunch
Gonna get someone else to pull the punch
Oh'pay a psychic for romance Gonna
They say abortion will send you straight to a fiery hell
That is if the fanatics
Don't beat Satan to the kill
It's not what i can do for anybody
It's what their body can do for me
Well I wanna see 'I wanna see
What can you do for me
They say that Jesus loves you
But what about me
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The Shape Of You - Jewel

2025-3-3 5:14:36


Absence of Fear - Jewel

2025-3-3 5:15:11

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