Party Up The Street - Miley Cyrus

I'm sure that you know where I stand
Lead me on do it while you still can
趁你还有机会 就带着我一起吧
Party up the street even though there is no place to park
街头狂欢 即使街上车水马龙 无处停车
Party up the street and you know what happens after dark
街头狂欢 夜幕降临 你知道会发生什么
You can see our feet from the street
站在街上 你就能寻到我们的踪迹
Since the garage was halfway open
Our eyes didn't meet until we started rollin'
渐入佳境 兴致盎然 我们的目光交汇在一起
Party up the street even though there is no place to park
街头狂欢 即使街上车水马龙 无处停车
Party up the street and you know what happens after dark
街头狂欢 夜幕降临 你知道会发生什么
The way that you movin' your body I want money
你伴着音乐起舞 我想大干一场
Soon as I put it on you you wanna guard me
就在我想更进一步的时候 你却欲拒还迎
We didn't come this close for nothing
我们走到这一步 不想无功而返
We didn't come this far for nothing
我们彼此撩拨这么久 不想徒劳无获
Party up the street even though there is no place to park
街头狂欢 即使街上车水马龙 无处停车
Party up the street and you know what happens after dark
街头狂欢 夜幕降临 你知道会发生什么
You can count on me okay
You and me we can be okay
你和我一起 我们会安然无恙的
We can rock like an ocean wave
纵情热舞 好像海面上翻滚的波浪
We can rock we can rock we can rock we can rock babe
宝贝 我们可以享受当下
You and me we can be okay
你和我一起 我们会安然无恙的
You and me we can be okay
你和我一起 我们会安然无恙的
We can go out with a bang
Party up the street
The way that you movin' your body I want money
你伴着音乐起舞 我想大干一场
Party up the street
The way that you movin' your body I want money
你伴着音乐起舞 我想大干一场
Party up the street
The way that you movin' your body I want money
你伴着音乐起舞 我想大干一场
Party up the street
The way that you movin' your body I want money
你伴着音乐起舞 我想大干一场
And you know what happens after dark
夜幕降临 你知道会发生什么
The way that you movin' your body I want money
你伴着音乐起舞 我想大干一场
And you know what happens after dark
夜幕降临 你知道会发生什么
The way that you movin' your body I want money
你伴着音乐起舞 我想大干一场
And you know what happens after dark
夜幕降临 你知道会发生什么
Yeah yeah
And you know what happens after dark
夜幕降临 你知道会发生什么
And you know what happens after dark
夜幕降临 你知道会发生什么
And you know what happens after dark
夜幕降临 你知道会发生什么
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