We were heading on home deasil in me
我们走在回家的路上 而我步履匆匆
Down an old gravel road way out in the country
在田野里辛勤劳作一天之后 我已筋疲力尽
When all of a sudden off like a shot
突然之间 犹如子弹一般飞奔离去
That dog took off running barkin' his head off
那条狗一边疯狂吠叫 一边跑向远处
Wherever he went he went like there was hell to pay
无论他走到哪里 他都是一副要付出沉重代价的样子
Chasin after that hound and I was hot on his heels
我一直紧追不舍 追逐着那条猎犬
When we both went over the edge of a deep ravine
As I crawled up the bank cold and soaked to the bone
在我爬上河岸以后 我已浑身湿透 寒冷刺骨
A glint caught my eye from the mud where it shown
Something was buried there alongside the stream
Now the middle of a field is a pretty odd place to find
Some kind of trunk or chest or a crate
But buried under the earth I saw a corner exposed
但这箱子深埋在地下 我看见箱子的一角暴露无遗
No there wasn't a map or a note or a key
这里没有藏宝图 笔记或者是钥匙之类的东西
It was clearly forgotten just waiting for me
显然它早已被人遗忘 静静等待着我
Like I was supposed to find it there right under my nose
It had laid there for years deep in the dirt
So I dug it out and wiped my hands on my shirt
所以我把它挖出来 在我的衬衫上擦了擦手
I pried up the lid and excitedly peered inside
我撬开盖子 兴奋地朝里面望去
And what I saw was a sight to behold
'Cause that tattered old trunk was crammed full of gold
My eyes bugged out it was enough to make a grown man cry
我目瞪口呆 这足以让一位成年人喜极而泣
Big golden bricks with a shimmery sheen
They were a staggering sight to a poor boy like me
对于像我这样的穷人来说 眼前的一切令人惊愕
And right then and there I knew what I had to do
就在那时 我知道我必须做些什么
So with a smile I sold what little I had
所以我面带微笑 卖掉我仅有的一点家产
I gave my pots and my pans to my mom and my dad
And then I bought that field
'Cause it was my dream come true
And then full of joy I said goodbye to my shack
我满怀喜悦 告别我简陋的小屋
It wasn't much of a home so I never looked back
这里算不上是温馨的家 所以我毫无眷恋
And I never questioned the choice I happily made
I said I need that field whatever it takes
我说道 我需要那块土地 我甘愿为此不惜一切代价
You might call it foolish but I call it faith
你可以说这是愚蠢的行径 但我称之为信仰
Trusting in God so gladly you can hardly wait
全心全意地信仰上帝 你已迫不及待
And that's how I learned how a rich fella accounts
It's treasure in heaven not under the ground
宝藏在天堂之中 并没有埋在地下
'Cause betting the farm is well worth the risk
To carefully keep such a beautiful gift that's yours forever
It's a pretty good deal
There's a couple of things more precious than gold
One is your heart and the other's your soul
一个是你的真心 另一个是你的灵魂
And you've got something you need that nobody can steal
你已拥有你不可或缺的东西 而且没有人能从你手中偷走
It's a fable you see and the moral is this
你知道这就是一则寓言 其中的寓意是这样的
Your heart's with your treasure wherever it is
无论人生宝藏在哪里 你的心与宝藏同在
And trust me when you dig a treasure will be revealed
请相信我 当你四处寻觅时 你将会找到宝藏
And you never know what could be buried in the middle of a field
我们走在回家的路上 而我步履匆匆
Down an old gravel road way out in the country
在田野里辛勤劳作一天之后 我已筋疲力尽
When all of a sudden off like a shot
突然之间 犹如子弹一般飞奔离去
That dog took off running barkin' his head off
那条狗一边疯狂吠叫 一边跑向远处
Wherever he went he went like there was hell to pay
无论他走到哪里 他都是一副要付出沉重代价的样子
Chasin after that hound and I was hot on his heels
我一直紧追不舍 追逐着那条猎犬
When we both went over the edge of a deep ravine
As I crawled up the bank cold and soaked to the bone
在我爬上河岸以后 我已浑身湿透 寒冷刺骨
A glint caught my eye from the mud where it shown
Something was buried there alongside the stream
Now the middle of a field is a pretty odd place to find
Some kind of trunk or chest or a crate
But buried under the earth I saw a corner exposed
但这箱子深埋在地下 我看见箱子的一角暴露无遗
No there wasn't a map or a note or a key
这里没有藏宝图 笔记或者是钥匙之类的东西
It was clearly forgotten just waiting for me
显然它早已被人遗忘 静静等待着我
Like I was supposed to find it there right under my nose
It had laid there for years deep in the dirt
So I dug it out and wiped my hands on my shirt
所以我把它挖出来 在我的衬衫上擦了擦手
I pried up the lid and excitedly peered inside
我撬开盖子 兴奋地朝里面望去
And what I saw was a sight to behold
'Cause that tattered old trunk was crammed full of gold
My eyes bugged out it was enough to make a grown man cry
我目瞪口呆 这足以让一位成年人喜极而泣
Big golden bricks with a shimmery sheen
They were a staggering sight to a poor boy like me
对于像我这样的穷人来说 眼前的一切令人惊愕
And right then and there I knew what I had to do
就在那时 我知道我必须做些什么
So with a smile I sold what little I had
所以我面带微笑 卖掉我仅有的一点家产
I gave my pots and my pans to my mom and my dad
And then I bought that field
'Cause it was my dream come true
And then full of joy I said goodbye to my shack
我满怀喜悦 告别我简陋的小屋
It wasn't much of a home so I never looked back
这里算不上是温馨的家 所以我毫无眷恋
And I never questioned the choice I happily made
I said I need that field whatever it takes
我说道 我需要那块土地 我甘愿为此不惜一切代价
You might call it foolish but I call it faith
你可以说这是愚蠢的行径 但我称之为信仰
Trusting in God so gladly you can hardly wait
全心全意地信仰上帝 你已迫不及待
And that's how I learned how a rich fella accounts
It's treasure in heaven not under the ground
宝藏在天堂之中 并没有埋在地下
'Cause betting the farm is well worth the risk
To carefully keep such a beautiful gift that's yours forever
It's a pretty good deal
There's a couple of things more precious than gold
One is your heart and the other's your soul
一个是你的真心 另一个是你的灵魂
And you've got something you need that nobody can steal
你已拥有你不可或缺的东西 而且没有人能从你手中偷走
It's a fable you see and the moral is this
你知道这就是一则寓言 其中的寓意是这样的
Your heart's with your treasure wherever it is
无论人生宝藏在哪里 你的心与宝藏同在
And trust me when you dig a treasure will be revealed
请相信我 当你四处寻觅时 你将会找到宝藏
And you never know what could be buried in the middle of a field