If You’re Not In It For Love I’m Outta Here - Shania Twain
Mind if I sit down 介意我坐这儿吗 Can I buy you a round 能给你点杯酒吗 Haven't seen your face before 以前没见过你 Are you new in town 你是第一次来我们镇子吧 It's the same old line 还是那套陈词滥调 Oh every time 每一次都这样 Are you her… -
I Ain’t No Quitter - Shania Twain
He drinks he smokes 他吸烟喝酒 He curses swears and tells bad jokes 他诅咒誓言 讲不好的笑话 And he ropes and he rides 他攀岩骑马 He lives life fast and loves to fight 他过着快节奏的生活还喜欢斗争 He's a boozer a looser 他是个酒鬼是个失败者 … -
You’re Still The One - Shania Twain
Looks like we made it 看起来我们已经如愿以偿 Look how far we've come my baby 亲爱的 转身回望我们已走了如此之远 We mighta took the long way 而我们也许还将继续跋山涉水 We knew we'd get there someday 因为你我坚信 我们终将到达彼岸 They said I bet t… -
Don’t! - Shania Twain
Don't Don't you wish we tried Do you feel what I feel inside You know our love's stronger than pride ooh No don't let your anger grow Just tell me what you need me to know Please t…