I Don't Know Where I Stand - 蔡健雅
Funny day looking for laughter and finding it there Sunny day braiding wild flowers and leaves in my hair Picked up a pencil and wrote 'I love you' in my finest hand Wanted to send it but I …- 1
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Outer Space, Shuttles And Satellites - 蔡健雅
Where should I begin To tell you everything that I should Should I start it with a summary And later on one truth and ten lies Because simply because Ill open up and closed down on you That I start to…- 0
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Drive - 蔡健雅
Saturday of 1st December I'm left with me and a 'friend' Counting tables Counting crows Counting the days I spend revolving the sun I'll drive myself to sanity I won't be walk…- 1
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Don't You Dare - 蔡健雅
Far far away I've travelled Just to get to the other side Then you come along and haunt me Don't you dare don't you dare get too close Long long time ago you made it Seem like we were i…- 1
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Is It Over Now? - 蔡健雅
Is it over now Do we really have to say goodbye Does it mean that we can t talk anymore Coz I still love you so Coz I didn t mean to break your heart If only you do I have to let you go Is it over now…- 0
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Blower's Daughter - 蔡健雅
And so it is just like you said it would be Life goes easy on me most of the time And so it is the shorter story No love no glory No hero in her sky I can't take my eyes off you I can't take…- 0
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It's True - 蔡健雅
把上升星座重新算一遍 能不能理解自己的改变 租几部喜剧电影学经验 找一个调和情绪的观点 面对这个大世界 老师没有教而我还在学 好朋友喜帖红的好鲜艳 隐约催促我该找个人陪 相爱到分手循环的情节 双人床不如一张瑜珈垫 活在这个大世界 用什么方式呼吸最特别 It's True 我会更乐观一点 It's True 我的幸福很亮眼 It's True 还不急着对谁说I do 二…- 0
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Let's Get Together - 蔡健雅
With your sultry eyes Damn you look so fine Wanna get to get to know you some more With your sexy body Oh you drive me crazy It s a place that I ve just got to explore So look over here honey You ve g…- 0
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喘一口气 - 蔡健雅
紧闭着双唇不坦诚 明明恨还否认还死撑 可要是连灵魂都受损 再强韧往返折腾也会疼 有力气推开门干嘛等 打起了精神为我不为别人 有时要学会耍狠 总为难自己太愚蠢 不过份追求未曾的安稳 喘一口气这回自己优先 过得好一点 曾是个不可思议的概念 就能好一点 屏住呼吸压在胸前好多誓言 已都走远Breathe again Breathe again 喘一口气生命依然新鲜 终点是起点 感情太窒息是种过敏原 划上了…- 0
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看不见的城市 - 蔡健雅
我的名字随着时间编织我的样子 我的坚持有些不为人知有它的故事 我走过看过风景灯火的辽阔 关于生活爱过错过我更像我 总有座城市能卸下身上的保护色 重复逛几次像自我慢游心里各面层次 总有个地址能无所事事却很充实 独处的日子趁寂寞看懂自己真实的样子 和她深入认识 我的意识也会堆满琐事需要放空获释 忙完有时用爱自己的方式做喜欢的事 而现在的我爱过错过我更懂我 独处的日子趁寂寞看懂自己真实的样子 对她重新诠…- 0
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离线地图 - 蔡健雅
难得天特别蓝情调浪漫又慵懒 双脚脱下了高跟鞋架上了仪表板 有些爱不得缓慢挟持我到哪不管 给我副驾座吹着风快失控的快感 So come on come on come on come on baby 油门踩低一点多一点才够酷够炫 So come on come on come on come on baby 吻我用力一点一点 伊甸园感觉不太远 抵达前已开始想念 有如单曲循环晴天过不完情话说不完 欢笑…- 1
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我要给世界最悠长的湿吻 - 蔡健雅
打开一片窗伸出一双手 载浮载沉 吹过一抹风 有些亲近不得不发生 有些距离叫人越活越枯闷 就算无云的天空有多深 比不上渴望深 我要给世界最悠长的湿吻 就算无常的大地有裂痕 自己可完整 我要给世界最悠长的湿吻 闭上眼闭上眼总会看到刹那的神 一晃眼一晃眼总会碰到偶然的真 过一天爱一天反正一切都有可能 过去的未来的不闻也不问 换个灵魂 东南西北方都会有时候 感觉我们 带着一个梦 忘掉所有美丽的牺牲 只要记…- 1
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Breakdown - 蔡健雅
外面连呼吸都危险 颜色混浊的蓝天 浇不熄火的雨点 累积在废墟上面 Ah~Oh ~~~~ 快粉碎快成灰我的世界在崩溃 倒不回要不回就被摧毁 无戒备无路退Will you hold me till the end Hold me till the end of this breakdown 噩梦如巨浪般席卷 我们剩多少时间 才懂快失去的多美 一点也不许浪费 Ah~Oh ~~~~ 快粉碎快成灰我的世界在…- 1
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Love You for You - 蔡健雅
Love You for You Round and round you go Down and down you fall Wandering far and wide Searching for the one Who will love you for you Who will choose you only you Hold your hand close to yourself and …- 2
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